Sep 2, 2009

PEncuRi..ToLoNg!! ToLOnG!!...

Gosh!!!when i opened my blog i juz realized that i didn't update my blog for along time since 16 August...OMG...seriously to say i'm really really really bz wif my own life n furthermore UIA also seems like to block any activities that related to blogging..huhuhuh..wth???

so today i manage to open my blog n i wanna write bout my house that had been trespassed a week b4 tragix n scary experience i ever had...2,3 days i had a trauma coz of that incident..mmg menakutkan...

tis thing happened masa saya balik keja around 7.15pm..dah la ujan lebat masa saya lpk opis smpi ujan renyai2..then smpi umh dgn keadaan yg gelap saya msk umah smbl memanggil2 nama hauzemate yg lg xde respon so saya trs msk bilik nk salin baju..tb2 saya terperasan ceiling umah saya terbuka..mcm nk pengsan saya tgk..trs lari kuar...smbl pegang phone saya dh terketar2 kt luar umah..rupa2nya hauzemate saya ada kt dlm bilik tgh tido..saya kol dia dn kami pon discuss..siap nyorok dlm bilik smbil pegang hammer (tu je senjata yg ada nk pertahankan diri)..then after 1 of my hauzemate dh balik kitaorg trs g buat police report..nsb baik xde brg hilang...maybe dia xsmpt amik brg sbb saya dh balik..bygkan klu masa tu saya ada kt umah dah..huhuhu..tkt sgt...(skali lg imaginasi saya bout freaky thing sgt tinggi)..smpi kol 1 pagi kitaorg kt balai for that thing..tensen sgt2..then mlm tu tido dlm ketakutan..huhuhuuh..scary movie btol la penjahat tu..

Then i thought after we lodged a police report penjahat tu dh xberani dtg..rupa2nya again on 31 august kol 1.00am penjahat tu dtg balik..masa tu saya br nk tido..luckily asai didn't go out that both of us hear the weird sound coming from the roof top..actually our ceiling..bunyi mcm org tgh mengesot merangkak then ketuk2 ceiling tu nk msk (after the first incident,we already put s/thing at the ceiling to prevent the same thing happen..luckily)..

Then spontaneously kami berdua menjerit mcm org hilang akalgila...mmg tkt sgt2 smpi menggigil2 kepala lutut..huhuhu..ngeri dowh..then we called the security to inform that incident but xde makna pon..dah la dtg lmbt then check pon lebih kurang jer..klu mcm tu pnya check,saya ngn asai dh boleh buat dlu..hampeh tol!!!huhuhuhu..pencuri tu pon berjaya lepas lari..then once again saya dn asai tido smbl ditemani hammer dn penyapu ...huhuhu..tensen ja..mcm nk cr umah lain pndh tp skrg ni ssh sgt nk dpt umah..wawawawawa.....


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