Sep 4, 2009

BUrFdaY BaSh!!!!!

Ding dong..ding dong...tepat pkl 12.oo am 30.8.2009 umor saya dh meningkat tua 26 thn...wahhh..terasa begitu tua skali dgn peningkatan umo ini...saya bersyukur kepada Allah kerana saya msh lg bernafas,sihat tubuh badan,lengkap pancaindera,dikurniakan famili yg bahagia dn kawan2 yg sgt baik serta insan tersayang (en zaidi, off course).....

Sharp 12.01 am saya dpt call from en zaidi...wif his guitar he sings burfday song to me..ahaxx..i was laughing like hell..hahah..then a lot of sms n phone calls received to wish my burfday..(thanx to all my frens that still remember my burfday) of my fren said that she will never forget my burfday coz my burfday was one day b4 indipendence day..ahaxx..ahaxx...then she add more"naper mak ko xthn je smpi 31 br beranak kt ko..dpt jd anak merdeka"..hahahha..i had asked tis question to my mom n she said, "3 hari thn sakit nk beranak tau x..dah x lrt nk tggu sehari lg"...huhuhuhu..poor my mom..3 days have to suffer to get this cutey daughter..hihihi...

present???ermmm..dah tua2 ni dpt lg ke present? en zaidi bg gak present..kuikuikui...we went to shopping complex n shop like hell..dah la mega sale masa tue..huhuhu..he bought me a shoes, shirt n purse..hahahah..heaven dowh!!shopping x yah byrkan...kuikuikui...then, da next day bobt n asai blnja mkn kt Muara ikan bakar,Port gila...

mkn cm org gila..sotong bakar,ketam msk pedas,kerapu stim,kailan masak sos tiram ngn tomyam seafood...mkn cm org kebulur...nk meletup perut...sdp sgt..balik tu apa lg,terus tido x sedar diri smpi pengsan pagi...hahhahha...mmg heaven dowh...meleleh air liur rasa..nyum..nyum..

gmbr burfday akan diupload kemudian sbb mmbr saya xupload pon lg..huhuhuhuh

2 comments: said...

epy besday k.filaaaa~

FiLa said...

thanx menie for da wishes....:X

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